- Be awesome on the internet.
- If you see someone being awesome on the internet, award them Awesome Internet Points.
- If you see someone being lousy on the internet, subtract Awesome Internet Points.
- You cannot award yourself Points, but you can subtract Points from yourself.
- Points should be awarded (or subtracted) in proportion to actual awesomeness (or lousiness).
- It is possible (even probable) to have less than zero Points.
- The first person to achieve 10,000,000,000,000 Awesome Internet Points wins.
Image source: http://kronos-kirbi.deviantart.com/art/You-Win-the-Internet-349270288
*This contest is not sponsored or even authorized by Pagani or the owners of the Internet, whoever they might be, and they probably don't even know about it. If they did know about it, they would reserve the right not to deliver. But who cares? Awesomeness is its own reward.
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