In no particular order:
- I'm a terrible, terrible blogger.
- Insect invaders must be fought quickly, using the strongest possible methods.
- Going to three academic conferences in one month is totally exhausting, and also kinda fun.
- I HATE Las Vegas, with a fiery passion of hatred.
- The amount of things I have to do stresses me out more than the overall amount of work I have to do. Lots of little projects and tasks are more stressful than a few big ones.
- Two computer screens are better than one.
- If you yell and complain and sulk and snark in your prayers, God doesn't get mad. He's just glad you're still talking to him.
- Telling people you study metadisciplinary discourses sounds impressive, but is really hard to explain.
- Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon is totally awesome, and excellent music to study/write/grade by. Seriously, how did I not ever hear this album until a month ago?
- Sometimes, the people close to you are not lovable. Love them anyway. Sometimes, you are not lovable. Allow yourself to be loved anyway. Love is a gift; it can't be earned. Strive to live up to it anyway.
And now for something completely different:
Last month I gave a presentation on "Why We Need Stories" at an LDS Mid-Singles "Expert Night" (Kind of like a mini, Mormon version of a TED conference). I included this painting, "Once Upon a Time", by James Christensen, in my PowerPoint because, well, look at it! It's gorgeous! This has been one of my favorite paintings since I was a kid. But check it out: there's a Weeping Angel standing there in the corner! Those sweet faerie creatures have no idea that they're all about to die. Curse you, Steven Moffat!
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